When it doesn't "work out"

When it doesn't "work out"

“Obedience doesn’t always guarantee our desired outcome. Sometimes it’s purpose is to teach us faithfulness to God…not our desire.” -Tara Leigh Cobble, The Bible Recap

When the “shop” didn’t work out, we had moments wondering why the Lord would so clearly bring us to this journey if it wasn’t going to work out?

James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God had promised to those who love him.”

I’m not on this earth for riches, but for my life to be used to bring Him glory. When I question why I’m being put through certain circumstances, may I remember that this trial, if anything, can bring me closer to God. These past few years encompassed some of the most difficult seasons of my life, but the Lord used it ALL to reveal a lot about Himself to me and my little family. I love Him more for it.

I’ve been hesitant to share reflections publicly, but I can’t help but think there may be one person who may need to hear this today.

Today, I’m praying for you. The one who is questioning what in the world is going on. Take courage, be steadfast.

From the Bungalow,


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